Veterinary Services

Pet In-House Pharmacy at Northview Animal Hospital in Albuquerque, NM

Streamline your pet’s medication needs with in-house pharmacy at Northview Animal Hospital, where we provide convenient access to a comprehensive range of medications for their health and well-being.

Northview Animal Hospital In-House Pharmacy: Your Pet’s Health Solution

Northview Animal Hospital is dedicated to ensuring that your furry companions have access to the medications they need for their health and well-being. Our in-house pharmacy offers a seamless and convenient solution for obtaining your pet’s prescriptions, eliminating the hassle of multiple trips to different locations.

With our in-house pharmacy, you have access to a comprehensive range of medications, including antibiotics, pain relievers, flea and tick preventatives, heartworm treatments, and more. Whether your pet requires a one-time prescription or ongoing medication, we have you covered. Our pharmacy stocks only high-quality medications from trusted manufacturers, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of every product.

Vet holding a cat on a table with medicines

Expert Guidance and Personalized Care

Experience personalized guidance from our veterinarians, who are available to advise you on medication dosage, administration, and potential side effects to ensure your pet’s medication is tailored to their specific needs.

Immediate Availability and Peace of Mind

Whether your pet needs a refill on their regular medication or requires urgent treatment, count on our in-house pharmacy to have it ready when you need it. Our pharmacy only stocks medications from reputable manufacturers, ensuring that your pet is receiving safe and reliable medications.

When to Utilize Our In-House Pharmacy

Our in-house pharmacy is a convenient and reliable resource for your pet’s medication needs. You can benefit from our services in many situations, including:

  • Post-Appointment Prescriptions: Following a veterinary appointment where medications are prescribed, our in-house pharmacy ensures you can promptly obtain the necessary medications without delays.
  • Routine Medication Refills: If your pet requires regular medications for chronic conditions or preventive care, our pharmacy offers quick and easy refills to ensure your pet’s treatment plan remains uninterrupted.
  • Emergency Medications: During emergency situations where immediate access to medications is crucial, our in-house pharmacy provides peace of mind knowing you can swiftly obtain the necessary medications for your pet’s well-being.

Whether it’s a new prescription, a refill, or an urgent medication need, our in-house pharmacy is here to serve you and your pet’s health needs with efficiency and care.